Monday, May 29, 2023

Military academies assess students' critical thinking skills


How do military academies assess students' critical thinking skills

The search results provide some insights into how military academies assess students' critical thinking skills. Here are some examples:
  1. Most military academies have integrated critical thinking among the learning objectives of their academic curriculum to develop the mastery of this intellectual competence. However, the search results do not provide specific information on how military academies assess students' critical thinking skills
  2. Insight Assessment provides military tests to assess core critical thinking skills and mental disciplines of enlisted personnel, officers, military college, and preparatory school students. However, it is not clear whether military academies use these tests to assess students' critical thinking skills
  3. The paper "Developing Critical Thinking Military Officers" argues that critical thinking should be taught early in an officer's career and emphasizes a systematic and Socratic instructional approach along with the importance of equipping students with the necessary tools. However, the paper does not provide specific information on how military academies assess students' critical thinking skills
  4. The search results do not provide specific information on how military academies assess students' critical thinking skills
  5. The military prioritizes the development and assessment of thinking skills and mindset in effective leadership education programs for officers and enlisted personnel. However, it is not clear how military academies assess students' critical thinking skills
In summary, the search results do not provide specific information on how military academies assess students' critical thinking skills. However, it is clear that critical thinking is a desired leadership attribute in the military, and military academies integrate critical thinking among the learning objectives of their academic curriculum to develop the mastery of this intellectual competence.

[1] Teaching Professional Use of Critical Thinking to Officer-Cadets Reflection on the Intellectual Training of Young Officers at Military Academies, Danic Parenteau,2021
[2] Military Tests for Critical Thinking-Insight Assessment
[3]Thor Martinsen, Developing Critical Thinking Military Officers Thor Martinsen, Naval Postgraduate School, 2022
[4] Sharon L. Riedel, Training Critical Thinking Skills for Battle Command: ARI Workshop Proceedings Sharon L. Riedel, Ed. U.S. Army Research Institute, 2001
[5] Michael Guillot, Critical Thinking For The Military Professional Col W. Michael Guillot 2004,
[6] Insight Assessment, Critical thinking was specifically identified as one of the six Desired Leadership Attributes for officers , 2015
[7]Steve Ferenz,The Death of Critical Thinking in the Military? Here’s How to Fix It.

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