Thursday, October 10, 2024


 What to believe, what strategies to adopt, and what actions to take are all critically based on logic and reason ONLY, and if anyone advocates anything else, you must question them regardless of who they are, whether they are authority figures or the BIG Brother, the sovereign, or the government. Not questioning is accepting patently false assumptions, logic, reason, inference, or a combination of these.

Sharon L. Riedel
U.S. Army Research Institute
Field Unit-Leavenworth
Ft. Leavenworth, KS 66027

The present research arises from the expectation that an improved understanding of critical thinking skills and training to improve those skills will result in better decision-making by Army battlefield command teams. In critical thinking, a cognizer’s beliefs, plans, inventions, practices, or other creations are challenged, defended, replaced, and/or modified to achieve some objective. We think critically when we ask ourselves or others questions, such as: How do I know this? Why did I decide to do this? Are the reasons for this belief adequate? Will this action or design achieve its intended effect? What situations can I imagine in which this belief is false, or this plan fails? Is there something else I need to know or think about? What arguments are there against this conclusion or course of action? Is there a better hypothesis or plan? What is my real purpose, and am I addressing the issues that concern me?

The Army (not exactly our Army)  and all other services are into it in a big fashion. Judge for yourself. 

Critical Review

Successfully integrating critical thinking into a hierarchical military environment requires addressing cultural resistance, reinforcing positive narratives, and creating structured opportunities for input. By gaining leadership buy-in, promoting role models, and creating formal mechanisms for feedback, the military can harness the power of critical thinking to enhance adaptability, decision quality, and mission success without compromising the chain of command.
Here is a demonstration of how to raise questions about any pdf:

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